We provide a guarantee on all products purchased from us. We offer a standard guarantee of two year on the purchase of an Icetub. This guarantee applies only to private use of our Icetubs and does not include labour and/or call-out charges. A maximum warranty period of six months applies for business and professional use. 

We consider it very important that a purchase made from us can be used in the right way. If your purchase is defective within the guarantee period, it can, in principle, be assumed that it will be repaired or replaced free of charge. The choice for this lies with us. Of course, this does not apply if you can do something about it, for example (no limitative list, see also the heading below  ‘the guarantee does not apply in case’) recklessly or deliberately acted and/or that you did not use the Icetub correctly (see above). Then you cannot make a claim under any guarantee. 

We are always available for questions about our Icetubs and their guarantee.  Therefore, please contact us as soon as possible when something is defective,  but at least within days 14 after you have discovered the defect and/or when you should and could have known about the defect (info@icetubs.com). We will take further action to ensure that you can enjoy the ice-cold water of the  Icetubs again as soon as possible

Repair service conditions during the guarantee period 

Warranty work can be carried out by an authorized service technician engaged by us. We will not reimburse the repair costs if a repair is carried out  by you, someone else or by a (local) service provider, who has not been directly  appointed by us. You therefore explicitly waive our guarantee if you carry out repairs yourself (within the guarantee period) and/or if you hire someone to carry out repairs unless we approve the repair and quote in writing before the repair work is started. Work carried out without Icetubs’ approval is not covered.

The guarantee covers the following specified main components in our  Icetubs: 

  • Compressors 
  • Condenser and heating 
  • fans (can be replaced without a certified cooling system  technician)
  • main PCBs 
  • Cover 
  • Temperature sensors 
  • Vacuum pump 
  • water pump UV filter 
  • Control panel 

Individual guarantee on replaced parts 

When (defective) parts are replaced with new parts, the new part will have a  separate warranty of 1 year from the date of replacement. This does not  mean that the original standard warranty will be reinstated. The remaining  period of the original warranty remains valid even after any repair or  replacement carried out under this standard warranty. 

In the event of a defect in one or more of the above-specified components  during the additional year1’s warranty period, we will 

We shall provide a new or repaired component free of charge. The  decision to repair or replace is ours. This extended warranty does not  include labour or any other costs that may be associated with the removal  or replacement or installation of the components covered by this extended  warranty.

The guarantee does not apply in case of: 

  1. Damage caused by improper use of the Icetub (see also the  heading above: ‘Important for the correct use of the Icetub:’; 
  2. Damage caused by moving the Icetub or transporting it (by  yourself), unless we "IceTubs"move or transport the Icetub; 
  3. If you leave the Icetubs outside at or below freezing; 
  4. Damage caused by bringing products, such as glasses or toys, into  the Icetub; 
  5. If there is or has been anything other than ice-cold water in the Icetub; 
  6. 6. Damage caused by normal wear and tear or neglect; 
  7. Loss caused by fire, flood or rainwater, theft, vermin or insect  infestation or unreasonable exposure of the product outdoors; 
  8. Damage caused by the product not being properly installed,  operated, maintained or used in accordance with Icetubs’  instructions and specifications;
  1. Damage caused by unauthorised modifications, accidents, misuse,  use of an incorrect voltage, power surges, thunderstorms or  carrying out repairs yourself without consulting Icetubs;
  2. Damage caused by improper use of corrosive chemicals;
  3. Damage caused by water or other liquids entering the electrical  parts due to negligence;
  4. Damage caused by severe overheating of the product due to negligence, such as covering the fans of the product or when heat  exchange surfaces are covered with objects such as towels, clothes  or when the system is placed too close to a wall;
  5. Utensils such as filters , water hoses and covers;
  6. Damage caused by intentional and/or reckless action by you or a  third party. 

Please read the instructions for use of the product purchased. Warranty is not applied in any case were negligent use was given to IceTubs' products. 

This guarantee excludes all other guarantees, conditions and undertakings. Whether express or implied. 

Our Ice Bath

New: The Icetubs Barrel

Introducing our Icetubs Barrel, designed to redefine your cold therapy experience. Made of Stainlesssteel with thermowood finish.

Powered by our Dutch Designed Icetubs Engine™️ to give you freezing clean water, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.